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Welcome to the webpage dedicated to the Saamaka!

The Saamaka are a vibrant Maroon community living along the Suriname River. They have a rich cultural heritage and have maintained their traditions and identity with pride.

On this page you can learn more about the Saamaka language, an Afro-creole language spoken by the community. Discover the unique features of the language, its phonology and grammatical structures.

Also delve into the rich cultural traditions of the Saamaka, such as their art forms, crafts, music and dance.

Learn about the Saamaka, a vibrant Maroon community located along the Suriname River. Discover the Saamaka language and immerse yourself in their rich cultural traditions, including art, rituals and music. The Saamaka, like other Maroon groups, also have a Gaama, who is the head of their community.

The successor of
the late Gaama Belfon Aboikoni is Gaama Albert aboikoni

Keep reading and explore the rich history, culture and traditions of the Saamaka!

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