Welcome to the webpage dedicated to the Matawai community!
The Matawais are a proud Maroon group living in the enchanting interior of Suriname, along the Saramacca River. Discover the unique culture and traditions of the Matawais.
The Matawais speak a variant of Saramaccan, which is closely related to the language of their neighboring Saramaccans. Learn more about the language and discover the specific nuances and expressions that characterize the Matawai community.
On this page you can delve deeper into the traditional medicine, rituals and musical expression of the Matawais. Learn about the powerful role of traditional healers, the spiritual beliefs and the connection with nature that are central to their community.
An important figure within the Matawai community is the Gaanman, the traditional chief who represents and leads the community. Discover the role and significance of the Gaanman and how they contribute to the preservation of the cultural values and traditions of the Matawai.
Keep reading to discover more about the fascinating history, culture and traditions of the Matawai community!