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Maroons Day

Tue, Oct 10


The location will be determined later

"Maroon Day" is an important day in Suriname, celebrated every year on October 10. It commemorates the signing of a peace treaty between the Maroons and the Dutch colonial rulers in 1760. The Maroons are descendants of African slaves who escaped from plantations and their

Maroons Day
Maroons Day

Time & Location

Oct 10, 2023, 12:40 PM – 11:50 PM

The location will be determined later

About the event

Maroons Day

Maroon Day, also known as Maroon Day or Maroon Day, is an annual day of remembrance and celebration on October 10 in honor of the Maroon ancestors' struggle against oppression and for freedom. Maroon communities in Suriname, French Guiana, and around the world commemorate and celebrate their ancestors' struggle against oppression and for freedom. This day commemorates the peace treaties signed with the Dutch colonial government in the 1760s and 1860s, which recognized their freedom and human dignity.


Maroon Day was initiated in 1970 by Maroon historian André RM Pakosie. He held talks with various Maroon organisations and highest Maroon authorities to arrive at a joint annual commemoration day. The chosen date, 10 October, commemorates the peace treaty of 1760 with the Okanisi.

Celebration in Suriname

The first celebration of Maroon Day took place on October 10, 1974 in Paramaribo. Since then, the Maroons in Suriname have celebrated this day annually. In 2010, the government of Suriname officially recognized Maroon Day as a national holiday.

Celebration in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, Maroon Day was first celebrated in 1983. The largest commemoration took place in 1992 when leaders of the five Maroon communities in Suriname visited the Netherlands. Nowadays, Maroon Day is celebrated in several Dutch cities, including Utrecht, Tilburg, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague.

International celebrations

In addition to Suriname and the Netherlands, Maroon Day is also celebrated in French Guiana, Belgium and the United States.

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